Wendy Black
Chief Curator: Art and Social History
Iziko Museums of South Africa
I am currently the Chief Curator of Art and Social History, managing research and exhibitions across various disciplines and museums. I also act as the Curator of Archaeology. I obtained my PhD at the University of Cape Town in 2014, specialising in the population history and bioarchaeology of the indigenous hunter-gatherer people of southern Africa, the Khoesan. My research interests are broadly related to population dynamics and genetics but more recently, I has become involved with indigenous rights and transformation issues as they relate to human remains collections and group representations within South African institutions. I am also working to develop new and exciting archaeology and palaeoanthropology exhibitions at the Iziko South African Museum.
Research & Exhibitions
Fields of study
Funding from Genus currently supports the development of a large-scale human evolution exhibition called HUMANITY, scheduled to open at Iziko South African Museum in late 2023.